The longer you pace through every day job requirements and off the wall family demands... The easier it becomes to forget the stuff that once rocked your world more than the discovery of a Playboy sitting on a neighbor's sofa.
Music rips through the system faster than a shot of beer on a 102 degree Montana day. Been there done it. Still numb from the affects.
Before Elton John got classified Adult Rock. He was pumping out a brand of British bass beats and guitar riffs unique to the shores of America. I distinctly remember the first time I ran into Crocodile Rock. Taking care of my incredibly beautiful single mother of two boys kids. I was twelve. She needed me. Funny how little guys think they're all man at any age. I liked Elton John because Collette couldn't get enough of him. Then there was that other time. After learning I had just been kicked out of the American Jr Bowling Congress for deciding to bowl in the adult league where you win money. Went to a friend's house and the first thing he cranks up is Elton John.
I knew right then and there. I had to buy into what this British Rocker was sending out.
The BRIT Awards have added a new honor. Rock’s most iconic singer’s.
The first recipient? Elton John.
BPI and Brit Awards chief executive Geoff Taylor says, "Elton is a “true icon of our cultural life”
Elton John...live at the I Heart Music Festival September 21st and 22nd in Las Vegas. Win tickets on wrfx.com
The award will be given to Elton on September 2 in London. Fourteen days later his new collection of tunes The Diving Board will hit I Heart Radio.
The event, which will later be broadcasted on ITV, benefitting the BRIT Trust and the Royal Academy of Music where Elton John was given his musical instruction.
This isn't Elton's first Brit trophy. He's won Outstanding Contribution in 1986 and 1995, Best BRIT Male Artist in 1991, and the Freddie Mercury Award in 1998.
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