Nearly every movie in theaters is 3-D. Would you pay to see Zeppelin's Classic Rock drummer John Bonham bang on the skins next to his song Jason?
The Bonham hologram duet is set to hit the road.
According to Jason....the biggest challenge isn't finding fans willing to fork over their paycheck. It's locating original video material to work with.
Jason Bonham isn't too far off his classic rocker... a recent national poll revealed the top names that fans would pay to see in a hologram: Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and Jim Morrison.

Before he climbs onto the I Heart Radio Music Festival stage in Vegas on September 21st and 22nd. Queen's front man lead guitarist Brian May would like to mop up misunderstood Freddie Mercury artful mess.Turns out A Norwich art trail called Go Go Gorillas hasn't been ordered to remove a statue in the shape of a primate designed to look like Frieddie.
Brian says, "Freddie's family only wants it repainted. There's nothing you can do to stop companies from making Freddie Mercury elephants, antelopes, or whatever
The updated Freddie gorrilla will go public next week.
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