Although it hurt at the time. Nearly a year later I feel pretty good about boycotting last summer's KISS/Motley Crue tour. The cost of tickets being the fade away in the game. Now toss in the latest money crusher: Backstage meet and greets costing several hundred if not thousands in cha-ching.
It's hard to be a fan when bands and their support staff charge for everything except the use of the bathroom. I've been backstage as a non-Radio Jock. Loved it more because it meant representing my love for music and not having to live up to station policy.
For fans of Classic Rock it pretty much requires a bank loan and credit check to shake a famous hand.
Tommy Lee says he's not playing that shape of promotional ripping off any more.
Classic Rock Magazine reports the Motley drummer has leaped onto our side of the fence. has always been one to walk to the beat of his own drum, sometimes quite literally, so this latest news should come as no surprise. Yesterday (March 3), Lee personally let his fans know that he’ll no longer be taking part in the meet-and-greet sessions offered up for purchase during their current Australian tour run.
“For those of you that are asking why I am not doing anymore meet and greets!!” Lee wrote on the band’s Facebook page.”It’s got nothing to do with me not wanting to meet the fans, I just don’t agree with doing it under the certain given circumstances. I love u all and I’ll gladly high five y’all if I see u out n about – and u won’t have to pay me for that.”
Although no direct reason was given regarding the “circumstances” that led to Lee bowing out of the meet and greets, his statement does seem to hint at the high price tag of the packages sold to fans that start with the basic ‘Crue Teaser Package’ at $295 and range all the way up to the $899 price point with the ‘Kickstart My Heart Meet and Greet Package’ which includes the chance to meet the band and take a group photo. Many current touring bands have similar packages available for fans to purchase.
Lee’s new outlook on meeting his fans “out and about” may seem like a change of tune from last summer when he wrote an open letter to his fans asking for a little more consideration when being confronted in public for photos. However, quite understandably, It was later revealed that this sentiment stemmed from a very personal moment when he went to pick up his mother’s ashes and was asked by the receptionist for a photo.
Fan feedback on Lee sitting out the meet-and-greets has been a very mixed bag with many fans applauding his decision and offering him support while others seem upset about the decision offering opinions like “If we have the money and we choose to pay the money, then what is the problem?” and “If money was really the barrier Tommy could organize a free comp or something in each town. This is just bs lip service.” Whatever the reason, Lee seems pretty steadfast in his decision.
In other related Tommy Lee news, he made headlines this past weekend when a Florida man filed a civil suit against him claiming Lee assaulted him on a beach last summer.
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