Friday, February 1, 2013

Creedence Clearwater With Seger, Kid Rock And The Foo Fighters

The late 60's straight into the 1970's were flooded by Storytellers: Crosby Stills and Nash, Dylan, Gordon Lightfoot, Jackson Brown, The Eagles, John Denver's Rocky Mountain High and some new punk kid from Jersey Bruce Springsteen. Even Jocks on the Radio got into the art of engagement; Paul Harvey was brilliant with the daily news while Casey Kasum and Dick Clark masterfully kept us glued to the giant metal sticks stuck in the mud somewhere in the fields of way the hell out there. One of my favorite Casey breaks came while sharing the story of Creedence Clearwater Revival's challenge to generate enough love from music fans dominate Billboard Magazine's number one position. It's not that CCR wasn't capable, there was "always" a chunk of Pop Culture above their brand of sound. Wait! Get your hands off that computer mouse! No tapping out! John Fogerty has confirmed that his upcoming album will be centered around classic Creedence Clearwater Revival songs, but the album’s engineer says the result is completely new songs. Kid Rock, Bob Seger, Jennifer Hudson and the Foo Fighters are among the confirmed musicians who contributed to ‘Wrote a Song for Everyone.’ “It’s no nostalgia fest,” Bob Clearmountain tells Rolling Stone. Fogerty says he waited to record with each of his chosen partners until they could meet in studio and do it live. “I didn’t want to just mail people tracks because then everyone would just do ‘Proud Mary’ like the old record,” he says in the same interview. He’s been working on the album since 2010, and originally scheduled it for release in October 2012. A press release about the delay suggested there would be original material on the album, something that is not addressed in the Rolling Stone article. The focus is on the old CCR songs, however. Fogerty has finally regained publishing rights to the songs after a lengthy legal battle. “I wrote all these songs,” he said. ” They’re back home with Daddy, like they should be.” Confirmed songs on ‘Wrote a Song for Everyone’ include ‘Fortunate Son,’ ‘Born on the Bayou’ and ‘Long As I Can See the Light.’

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