Friday, April 3, 2015

Ringo's First Band

He's one of the most famous drummers of all time. Yet do you know which band gave him his first break? A Rock u Mentary is in the works. Ringo Starr talks about Rory and the Hurricanes Before the Beatles. Ringo Starr was part of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. Guess who might be getting back together in a Rock u Mentary? Ringo Starr leads off his new Postcards From Paradise album with "Rory and the Hurricanes," a song about his experiences with his pre-Beatles group, Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. We asked him whether he's aware of recent reports that a bio-pic about Storm -- who died in 1972 in what may or may not have been a double suicide with his mother -- is in development.

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